Wednesday, July 4, 2012

CoE Facepalm

After waiting for what seemed like ages, I finally received my Certificate of Eligibility in the mail yesterday!  (Actually the wait was pretty short, but I’m not terribly patient lol).  That document is the last thing I need to get my official Work Visa.  I realized that with my work schedule and the holiday, yesterday would be the only day this week I would be able to take the CoE over to the consulate (a 2.5 hour drive from me).  I gathered the documents, filled out the forms, got more passport-style pictures of myself and was heading out the door with just enough time to get there before it closed.  After paranoia checking to make sure I had everything, I remembered that it'd be smart to copy the docs for myself 'just in case'.  I quickly fed them through my scanner/copier and rushed out the door.  I arrived at the consulate with a few minutes to spare, took out my 'stuff folder' and realized to my horror that yes, the CoE was sitting on the copier at home.  I'd forgotten to re-check everything :(  Needless to say I will be mailing in the paperwork instead of making the drive again.  It wasn't a total loss though.  I had a great conversation with the people in the consulate about how they worked, and learned quite a bit.  I’d also discovered a REI store (they don’t exist close to my house) where I was able to stock up on some last minute hiking supplies for my upcoming adventure. 

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