Friday, July 20, 2012

My Attempt at Poetry

A Funny Thing about Moving

A funny thing about moving--
It’s always bittersweet.
We laugh, we cry, we celebrate
With people that we meet.

We share our fondest memories,
Confess our greatest fears,
Reliving all our moments spent
With people we hold dear.

Looking forward to the future,
While clinging to the past,
Trying to remember how
The time flew by so fast.

Embarking on new adventures,
Stepping into the unknown,
Creating brand new memories,
While not forgetting home.

You are my closest friends
And though I’ll miss you all a ton,
I can’t wait to start my journey in
The Land of the Rising Sun.

A funny thing about moving--
Even though we say ‘farewell’
We’re always a quick call away
With great new stories to tell.

After the end of a really fun going away party I'm left with packing, last minute meetings, then finally hitting the road.  I found a bit of time to scribble down a poem that expressed in a very cheesy way how I’m feeling about leaving Kalamazoo tomorrow.  I’ll certainly miss everyone that I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know in Kalamazoo, Indiana, and where ever else in the world you may be.  You people are truly great and life wouldn’t have been the same without you. I won’t say good-bye, mostly because it’s not like we won’t be able to keep in touch with the internet at our fingertips lol.  Instead, I’ll say “Catch ya later!”  

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