Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I've Got a Golden Ticket!! Or a Visa lol

Filled with anticipation, I grabbed the envelope from the mailbox, tearing it open before I had even managed to walk back inside.  My heart soared.  Inside was the thing that I had been waiting so many months for:  My visa!

As ridiculous as this may sound, I’ve never been so happy to see a little piece of paper in my life.  My college acceptance letter, my diploma, even my teaching license…this one beats them all!  I was so thrilled, in fact, that I’ve had the song “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket” from the musical version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stuck in my head for the past four hours.  In case you’ve never heard the song, here you go:

Now we can all have it stuck in our heads together!  (Yes I am a geek when it comes to musicals. I blame it on the theatre upbringing).

The Visa, with my CoE and passport, combine to form Captain Plan—I mean, combined give me clearance to enter the country. I can live and work in Japan for the next three years.  I also got one other bit of useful information:  My Japanese address.  Somehow, having a physical apartment number with all of my documents in order makes this adventure finally seem real.   And with my leave date less than a month away, I can safely say that I have never been more excited, terrified and ecstatic to start this new chapter of my life.  Stay tuned, more crazy antics soon to come! 

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