Thursday, July 5, 2012

Drag Race

Down-shifting, I powered up the final hill towards my home.  The sun was dipping below the horizon and I figured it was time to end my ride.  I checked my bike’s computer and let out an exasperated sigh.  19.5 miles? Too short, I need at least 20!  I turned onto my street, resolved to keep going.  After all, I was wearing neon and I had my lights on.  Certainly, people could still see me.  Allowing my mind to wander, I continued on, enjoying the cool breeze and watching as a young boy rode in tight circles on the street opposite of what must’ve been his house. 

I heard, faintly in the distance, what sounded like a speeding car.  Living close to the highway, I dismissed it and continued for a brief moment, until I realized it was approaching.  Fast.  And there was more than one.  With thick trees blocking my sight at the next intersection I couldn’t tell what was coming. Slowing my pace, I knew I didn’t want to be in its path, right-of-way or not!  Suddenly, two cars exploded out from the sidestreet in front of me.  I pulled my brakes hard, skidding sideways to a stop.  One car peeled right, one left, continuing to thunder down the road at least 20 over the speed limit.  I quickly glanced up to the boy.  Head down, he was still pedaling on the road, oblivious to how close he’d been to getting hit.  Whew, he’s safe, I thought to myself.  I laughed humorlessly as I started back down the road.  Not 30 minutes ago I had wished I’d had a helmet cam to capture the sunset rays beaming through the woods on the bike trail.  Now, I wished I had one so that I could’ve recorded those guy’s license plate numbers.  The moral of the story?  Not sure…maybe that they put stop signs and speed limits in residential areas because the kids playing there deserve not to have their lives put in danger by reckless idiots. *shrugs*

Ok, from now on I'll try to stick to posts about more Japan-related stuff other than cycling.  Even though it is fun, awesome, and everyone should do it...

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