Monday, June 25, 2012

Training for Fujisan

What would you do if you had a week to tour Japan?

As a hiker girl on a budget, my natural impulse is to turn to backpacking. 

If everything works out with my visa (check my last post), I plan on being in Japan about a week before my official start date.  This means that I will be *cough* forced (yay!) to find some way to explore away from Iwate-ken, where I will be teaching.  Backpacking is a fun, inexpensive way to tour the countryside.  It gives me an excuse to stay in affordable backpacker’s hostels while checking out some nature-type sights (also affordable!) What better way to start my adventure than hiking up one of the most iconic landmarks of Japan: Mt. Fuji.

This spectacular vulcano has been on my mountain-hiking bucket list for...well, forever.  Although it’s very touristy, it’s still a respectable climb and will take some prep on my part.  But how does a girl living at less than 1000 feet elevation train for a mountain over 13,000?  I’m hoping that cycling will do the trick.  The goal is to make your body less dependent on oxygen, since there’s less of it the higher you climb.  Cycling, running, and other sports that push your heart rate and lung capacity can help with this.  I will hopefully be posting some info about the gear that is a must (or what I wished I’d brought) for my hiker friends as well as some hopefully awesome pictures of the sun rising over the cloud line.  Stay tuned for more!

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