Thursday, June 7, 2012

The future: Music and Life

I find myself guilty of wondering what I will do with my life down the road.  It seems only natural (and widely accepted) that you have some kind of long-term goal in mind for 10, 20 years, you name it.  That’s the way to plan for success, right?  I’m not so sure.  I’ll be in Japan for a while; then after that, I don’t have any clue what the future might hold.  More travel adventures?  Maybe.  Settling in to a place and having a stable, steady career?  Perhaps.  Winning the lottery and buying a crazy expensive yacht and a fancy mansion in the Mediterranean? Ummm….well, maybe not LOL.  My point is, I think it’s ok not to know where you are heading in the future.  I was digging around online for something completely different and stumbled on this youtube vid.  The musician in me couldn’t help but be amused, and I found that I really agreed with it:

So, for the next little portion of my life I think I will just enjoy the music and not be too eager to get to that ‘final chord’.  

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