Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Waiting Game

The toughest part of this whole ‘moving to Japan’ process has been the waiting—for the interview process, for documents to be mailed across the globe, and currently for the Certificate of Eligibility and visa.

The Certificate of Eligibility is the document needed for my work visa. It’s basically the Japanese government’s way to check and make sure that both myself and the company I’m working for are legit. To get the CoE, I needed to send my diploma to prove I have a bachelor’s from a university. Being a recent graduate, the waiting time was supposed to be about 10 weeks from the start of May. 10 weeks! That would have put the starting time for my CoE process less than a month from the time I hoped to start working. Luckily, I was able to get mine faster, and I’m hoping (fingers crossed!) that I can get the CoE fast as well. Then the visa, then Japan :).

All that to say that I’m not terribly patient when it comes to this sort of thing! In the mean time, I am incredibly excited. There’s so much I have to do to get ready, and each day brings me a little closer to getting there.

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