Sunday, May 27, 2012


Konnichiwa Minna-san!

Ok, so I’m not in Japan yet, but I am in that crazy last few months where the reality begins to set in: Soon I’ll be 6000 miles away, settling into a place that’s completely new and different.  What an amazing, terrifying, exhilarating realization!  Then of course, there’s the other realization: I have so much to do before I go!  Keep working on Japanese, sell off or donate what I don’t need, say goodbye to friends and family (luckily there’s Skype and FB!) go through mountains of paperwork, then finally pack my belongings and hop on a plane.  I bet I’m not the first person who’s ever wished there was a magic ‘fast forward’ button where I can jump ahead to being in Iwate-ken.

This blog isn’t really designed to gain some huge following, I just want to let people know what I’m up to.  And just maybe, someone who’s Japan-bound can learn vicariously from all of the mistakes I’ll probably make along the way!